Negative test 12 dpo mumsnet

  1. Negative test 12 dpo mumsnet. Last months luteal phase Hi all, back again for attempt number 5. AF due today but nothing so far. Do you think I still have a ch First things first - I used an OPK and tracked fertile mucus and I am 99% sure I ovulated on day 14 (I have a pretty regular cycle, 28 or 29 days) so the DPO days are calculated from there. I have tested using early tests, boots own and clear blue digital and non digital, since 5 days When you hit 12 DPO, you’re in prime territory for early symptoms and a possible positive result on your pregnancy test. One minute I'm convinced I must be pg, as no af, but fingers crossed you get a BFP v soon! I got mine with my first pg on day 42, despite four negative tests during the 10 days before that. Usually you test positive by 8-14 DPO. Home pregnancy tests must be read within the time frame listed in the instruction booklet or on the packet. Make sure you test with a sensitive test. Advice and would love to hear stories of BFPs after 18 DPO. I got my strong positive ovulation test on 12th which makes me 10dpo today. Search Active discussions Mumsnet Logo. So I’ve tested using a Clearblue early test day 13/14/15 and had faint lines but were visible. If your test is negative , try not to fret. I did a clearblue yesterday (20 DPO) and got pregnant 2-3. Hi all, So I don't know when AF due because iv just had implant out on 28/05/24 I had 3 LH surges over a period of a week. I’m in the same situation. I’ve seen so many get a negative test up to 12 DPO to be positive on day 13! I have felt unusually tired and am experiencing frequent urination so i did 2 clear blue tests on CD 31 and CD32, first thing in the morning and both came up negative. Hope To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. You need the second line to be as dark or darker than the control line. As to the OP, I wasn't charting when I had my DS, but I think I tested around 12 DPO and got a BFN, then started spotting for two days. I have done 6 pregnancy tests and all of them have come through as negative. I read that people with PCOS have hormonal imbalances that can interfere with pregnancy tests. This is even after testing with CB digital, it said not pregnant 4 days ago on day of missed AF (but probably not enough hcg if I o'd or implanted late). Period But if you have peed on a stick, left it, and then come back to it a few hours later and found a negative test result, this can’t be trusted. Dpo 12 and still stark white on cheap tests, but i did get a faint second line that came up after about 15 mins on a 6 day early one this morning, trying not to get my hopes up though as it was followed by 3 stark whites on the cheapies. Also, unfortunately as other posters have said, it’s not reliable. I also typically have a luteal phase between 10 - 13 days. Thanks girls xxx. So don’t rule it out just yet. Hoping and praying we get out bfp this month. Quizzes. Was convinced this month was the month! Cervix high and soft. 12 dpo BFN then BFP later? 5 replies Angie887 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more Has anyone been sure of ovulation dates and had negatives up until 11 DPO then followed by a faint positive 12 DPO? On my previous pregnancy I had BPF at 9 DPO. Pretty sure I ovulated around 12th or Implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 dpo, but most commonly 8- 9- or 10- (vast majority fall in this range) then it takes approximately 24 hours for hcg to rise enough to get a positive test so it is absolutely possible to test negative at 10 DPO and then test positive a day or two later. Positive test at 10 dpo!! 0 replies CAGH03 · 27/08/2023 15:41 Just found out I'm pregnant, yesterday! Had 3 positive tests! Period isn't due for another 2 days! And I used normal pgt's instead of early detection. I am now 12dpo and negative on clear blue. So maybe try testing in a few days. oopsyu and Topsecret99, I requested a scan as I explained that a urine test would probably come back negative at the doctors if it’s turning up negative at home, Glitterygreen I am very slim Hey! I’m around 12 dpo todsy tested negative. Has anyone got a bfp after 10dpo? I’m 10dpo and took easy@home test and clear and simple early response this morning and both negative. Took a second one the next morning and same again. Same here regarding ovulation. I'm a little worried because my test lines are still really faint. No sign of period coming besides cramps which I get when I'm pregnant too. For my current pregnancy, I tested positive at 14 DPO, having tested negative on the previous day at Once implantation has occured, a blood test can pick the hormone up by around 2-3 days and HPT around 4-5 days. I am 4 days late on my period. You're probably talking about a trace that the tests are trying to pick up at this stage. Learn with Flo what to expect on your 15th day after ovulation. No period. Join Implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 dpo, but most commonly 8- 9- or 10- (vast majority fall in this range) then it takes approximately 24 hours for hcg to rise enough to get a positive test so it is absolutely possible to test negative at 10 DPO and then test positive a day or two later. I took a test this morning and it was negative :( yesterday would have been 9-10 dpo and today is 10-11 dpo . I had all the symptoms except nausea and I am now 7weeks. I’m getting the same cramps I did with the chemicals though so I’m assuming this will go the same way. Hope to test next week just to see 'pregnant' on a test. I’m currently on 13DPO (I think). Then at night I woke for a wee and notice my boobs were tender on the sides near my arm pits. I know it's hard but try not to get too upset of this cycle doesn't work out - our bodies are very clever at working these things out :) I am 12 DPO and usually have 30-33 day cycles (have mild PCOS). Usually early or right on time. I am at 12dpo. @Ash4317 Hey Op 👋🏼 I thought I was out last month as was testing with the sensitive FRER's from 8 dpo - 11 dpo and all were negative! Thought I must have been out then for some reason had the urge to test 12 dpo with a cheapy and got a vvfl was very shocked as my last 2 pregnancy's I was getting faint lines by 9 dpo, so it does 12 DPO, POSITIVE OPK BUT ON PROGESTERONE SUPPOSITORIES anyway I did a test which seemed to be negative so stopped on the 7th day then day after I stopped seemed to get a period but only seems to have lasted two days and not much today. Pregnancy tests work by picking up (detecting) a hormone known as hCG This is a definite negative ovulation test. Although in theory you’d think more hcg should equal darker lines, that’s not what they’re designed for. when i had high hopes this month. if you’re 15DPO and still testing negative and then test positive later like 16-17 DPO then you probably ovulated later Trying to conceive. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Has anyone tested negative at 12dpo and then got a BFP later? I had some odd light pink spotting at 12dpo, immediately tested and it was negative. One study afraid of miscarriage. Mines isn’t dark enough yet I don’t think. 12dpo onwards with a decent early detection test should give you a more accurate answer. 9 dpo- more on off cramps in my back & boobs a bit more sore. My last pregnancy I had a strong lime 10 dpo. Although not a FRER but internet cheapie. We BD'd days 13, 14, 15 (I was away with work 9 - 12). Can anybody help me? ps. First responses are really really sensative, I used one 4 days before period due with ds2 and got a posative, although I ovulated day 12 so was 12 days po. We have been ttc for 5 months now and I’m climbing the walls waiting for a positive. But you could get a positive of a faint one if you're sure of when Has anyone been sure of ovulation dates and had negatives up until 11 DPO then followed by a faint positive 12 DPO? On my previous pregnancy I had BPF at 9 DPO. The first test wasn't technically too early but it didn't show on the pregnancy test. For this latest pregnancy I did a test on CD28 and it was negative - but I decided to relax as I felt pregnant. Planning to test tomorrow. Should I be concerned? Most popular Matching glasses for kids and parents New Boots’ new Parent and Child Event is here Protect your child's skin all day and night with Aveeno £10 off the leg oil that will banish scaly shins New Monsoon pieces Mumsnetters are lusting after New Period pants for teens our users swear by New: Nuna x Liberty Fantasy Land range There are different levels of LH in your system at any point in your cycle. 4 days later (on period due date) it was positive and now I’m 19 weeks pregnant :) Quote Why did I get a negative test result? You can get a negative result on your pregnancy test for two reasons: You are not pregnant or you are pregnant, but you tested too early for the pregnancy test you used to pick up the hCG ‘pregnancy’ hormone in your body. Pregnancy. Ovulation calculator. But if you’re due for a period and still testing negative then you’re probably not pregnant :/ happened to me this cycle too. The last Decided to use clear blue ovulation tests for the first time last month, and got our solid smilie on the 14th of Feb!!! We are now 22 DPO, and 7 days late on what should have been my period, but I’ve had 2 negative clear blue digi tests ( one last Tuesday and the other today ). they do say you aren't out until AF actually arrives but its hard to stay positive isn't it. Tested a blue dye two days ago and came back faint like positive but took a digital this morning came back negative. Looks like the stopping testing went well 😂 pregnancy tests are not designed to be used like this. I cracked and took another test this morning. For some reason the darkness of the line can be influenced by other factors. But held off this time thinking I was giving myself half a chance. Help Center Getting pregnant. A positive is as dark or darker than the control line, which this is not. Only problem is I still think they’re too faint for 12 dpo? I had 4 chemicals last year but they literally just stayed faint - didn’t get any darker at any point. OP posts: Hello all, I’m asking you all because I’ve been having a LOT of pregnancy symptoms over the last few days but all my tests are coming back negative. I’m 9dpo too and had this on a accu news test strip, I bet it’s an evap but I did one yesterday 7/8 dpo wouldn’t show up for many people at all. I tested with an LH strip this month just for fun, started getting more 'surgy' on the LH strip from 8 dpo. If it was positive todays tests would be darker. There was no guessing with the test, the line was very strong. Then 10 dpo showed an LH surge but got my BFP on digital pregnancy test. Mushroomhunter and Eliotgoss see your reply is now making me certain that I am pregnant. Last pregnancy I went to gp for a uti and they did a pregnancy test at dpo 12 which was negative so assumed for sure I was not pregnant. Symptoms different from bfn months: Constipation from 7dpo Creamy CM (not loads but more than usual) Hungry 24/7 Heartburn all night, every night since 6dpo. But you could get a positive of a faint one if you're sure of when you ovulated. On 2nd cycle and ovulated 17th. Hiya. I would be inclined to just put it down to one of life's irregularities, however, as i am TTC i know for sure that i ovulated on CD17 as i was monitoring with ovulation tests as well as It’s not ideal circumstances with only being 9dpo and would prefer to test in the morning when hcg would be stronger. Hi all, I am 8 dpo today or possibly 7 as can’t be sure what day I ovulated. im absolutely gutted, was 100% convinced I was going to get a bfp but nope! It just breaks your spirits little by little ️ ️ Hi I am 11 dpo and in the same boat - i tested on 9 dpo and 10 dpo both were negative which left me really depressed so I managed not to test today! I am expecting AF on Thursday so will prob test again tomorrow. Took a test a few days later as was annoyed af hadn’t come and it was bfp. But if that test is negative, don’t let it get you down. I know it's easier said than done but the best thing you could do is put the tests away and test again in at least 3 days time. Im on the pill but admittedly having been taking it I am 8 dpo today, done a First respo, and came back negative, I see most of the women having a faith positive at 8dpo. Some won’t detect a very early pregnancy until you’re about 20dpo but eg FRERs often show up as early as 10-12 dpo. Was determined to wait until my period was day late to test but couldn’t resist today as heard some people get bfp as early as 8 dpo. I think I am 8 DPO or 9 DPO now. The other two look negative. X At 12 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. I’m too scared to get a negative! Yesterday 12 Dpo I had some brown like discharge, so I assumed af was making an appearance, but had nothing else yesterday. AF arrived yesterday and I think it was due to stress. The pregnancy that ended in miscarriage I got a positive test at 15 dpo. Negative test today but I'm sure its too soon? Not clued up It’s impossible to have a positive pregnancy test that early, implantation occurs sometime between day 6 and 10, and it can take up to 48-72hrs after this for the level of HCG to be detected by a HPT. am I ok to have 1 small glass of wine then. please share your experience 🥺 Hey so I tested at 11 dpo and was totally BFN 12 dpo I seen a slight line but looks like an evap/indent and had no colour (had an evap before) so took it as BFN tested again at 14dpo only because I had The egg reaches the uterus at 5dpo and can then take 2-4 days to fully implant. I think I waited till CD34 or 36 to do a further test which was positive. Being a mom. 9 (9 DPO) to 35 (11 DPO) with 43 hours in I wanted to make a post asking about symptoms everyone got before they got their BFP and id i should lose hope after getting a negative test at 12dpo when AF is I’m 12 dpo and my tests for the last 4 days have been negative (I obviously started testing early because I’m impatient lol) I know that’s “you’re not out until AF comes” but how many of you were At 12 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. Tested FRER 10dpo and got what I thought was a v v faint positive. On the top is the test from yesterday and the second is the one from today (13 DPO). 14 DPO, day period was due I got the faintest of faint lines, Negative test. Pregnancy test calculator. With my son I got a positive test at 9 dpo, and I miscarried in December but with that pregnancy I got my bfp at 10 dpo. At 9dpo I got sore breasts but they have been on and off sore since. 10dpo is still considered very early to test. I got a very faint line on an early test two days after but I assumed that was an evap line because it didn’t appear until after the ten minute wait. I got my “smiley face” on 21st June - screenshot of my tracker. Strongest Peak was 8 I was pretty convinced I was pregnant early - I started tracking headaches, constipation and a bit of nausea from 7DPO! Earlier then this I remember having a moment when I went off of a coffee I had made which I thought was weird 12 weeks later and can’t bear it!!! So that was an early sign! I did a test at 9DPO and was negative but BFP on You all are gonna hate me for this but I got a bfp at 6 dpo🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m getting every pregnancy symptom under the sun and to my surprise I tested positive clear as day but last 2 have been negatives thought I could see something on my last test but I had line eyes I need to re test but I’m scared I’m 8dpo now😂 I would totally advised against this, I think it would increase your anxieties by comparing the strength of the line on the test. Good luck. I did a pregnancy test every day (sometimes twice) for weeks! I had a bag of 100 cheap tests from amazon and kept going till they were gone. So you might have the same situation and actually be less DPO than you might think. As it was outside the time limit it should be counted as a negative and likely an evap. Had cramps and thought AF was coming, as a result I didn’t bother testing again until 18DPO when I got a BFP and a 2-3 weeks on a digital. Also had erect nipples even tho I wasn’t cold which was strange. Hello Mamas, am 12 dpo and got a negative test this morning. Have promised myself I won't test this month until my period is due otherwise I end up going overboard with them and have days of feeling sad when I Yesterday at what I believe was 9dpo I took a first response that came out positive. When you get a positive opk you'll ovulate usually around 12-36 hours later. If cycles are irregular, you can get multiple positives as your body is trying to ovulate. i ovulate very late in my cycle (day 22) and usually have a very short luteal stage (less than 10 days). I do need to move on with my day (and my life!) at some point, but it’s like torture! Tests can show positive from 9 DPO, but waiting longer / until after AF is due will give you more accurate results (I'm an early tester too and have had early - 9-10 DPO - positives, but not everyone will be able to, depending on implantation). Since yesterday, my boobs are sore and today I am noticeably cramping. The last time I had sex was 24th August 2022 (with protection). 12 DPO pulling/stabbing pain in ovarys not too painful though. I have had 15 miscarriages 5 living children. @lisbeth1 hi there! EC went well, actually the best part of all this process, you fall asleep, then wake up and all done 🙈 They collected 8 eggs (next time they will increase the dose to get more), all fertilised normal ivf and 4 got to day 5 blastocyst and were biopsised for PGTA testing 😌 I was told it's a very good outcome and to hope for 1-2 If your ovulation test was only faint, that isn't positive. The only way to measure the levels is a blood test so do speak with your doctor if you’re worried. Going to make a doctor apt. I tested yesterday afternoon and it was negative. DPO 4 - 5 constipation/bloating. Do these lines look ok for 12 dpo? I’m 2-3 days away from period. Implantation calculator. Praying I get the same results as kittyz Yes, faint at 10dpo, bit darker at 11dpo and then I did clear blue digital and clear blue digital dated test Quote Thanks 9dpo today and tested today but still negative 😕 I know it's early but so disheartening! Any one test at 9dpo then gone on to have a bfp?? X Implantation could occur as late as 12 DPO and it takes up to 48h for hcg levels to be strong enough for a test to pick up on, so yes - 9 DPO is way too early. Should I go off and accept this a gone cycle. Officially 4 Around 10Dpo. 😞 could do with something to help me relax. Quite confused. 90% of me Hi ladies, So like the title says 12 DPO and negative test, I read somewhere (whether it was a valid article or not who knows) basically says that if you Hi there, I'm 12 dpo today and reading way into my symptoms. I am 12 dpo today due 5/19. On a positive test it produces a thin coloured line and a negative evap produces a colourless When you hit 12 DPO, you’re in prime territory for early symptoms and a possible positive result on your pregnancy test. I've had 8 positive faint pregnancy test and 3 days late and I've took 2 digital clear blue pregnancy test and they both come back not pregn @Mannymoomin il do the other test that was from home bargains see what that one says and post it, but il also grab some FRER later today, I felt the typical ovulation pains etc and can’t imagine I ovulated any sooner than the positives as the pain was the same time, I had my period on the 8th and bled for 4 days so can’t be any sooner than @Ozziewoz Hopefully these symptoms will lead to my BFP like they did for yours! I've not had a funny tummy yet, I thought I did yesterday but I think thats because I was hungry lol and I've not had any spotting at all and I don't have a cold but every morning I do wake up with an extremely stuffy nose (since about 6DPO) so I'm hoping that I get Just wondering if anyone has ended up being pregnant after testing from a first response test. So anyway I ovulated on 22nd November confirmed with strip testing, so normally period would start on 30-31st. Irregular period symptoms etc. LGBTQ+. You're only out if AF shows up :) test again in a few days, your chances of a positive result rocket after 13 days if you are pregnant x I'm on either 11 or 12 dpo, due on in 4 days. ? This morning I wake up and I do a clear blue brand, but not digital, because I refuse to pay £16 for a digital test untill I really know I'm pregnant so then I can get those cliche photos, ya know. Today I think I am 12 DPO (LH peaked on Is this a negative test? 12 dpo so think am out fingers crossed for next cycle 🫰 x. They gotten Bellaboo2003 · 08/09/2024 13:45. Got smiley face 30/8. Im now 12dpo, still feel the same, on and off symptoms and still negatives. I also had MMC end of November at 12 weeks scan 9w5d Writerwannabe83 · 26/05/2017 12:14 I’ve been taking opk for a week to two an I’ve got positive results but a negative pregnancy test. Have a clearblue digital but am going to save it until at least Monday. I did the first strip test in my flow and second in cup and i am not sure what to believe. Join Mumsnet Log In I'm about 15 dpo. I'm 11 DPO - headache most of the day, dizzy and nauseous for a couple of hours. My BBT is still on the higher side and there is no sign of my period and unless I didn't actually ovulate I can only think I'm pregnant. Any help or suggestions please. We did an IUI so I am sure of dates but I’m wondering what are the chances of this actually being possible so late in the game? Anyone ever been in the same position? I do genuinely think that the test is negative but I’m just so unsure because it’s so early. This month I've started ovulation testing and I'm currently ovulating, 2 days peak so far, so hopefully I Is testing at 9/10 dpo really too early? This is the stage i am at, tested twiceboth bfns, once today once yesterday. I’m 11DPO today have been testing since 6DPO cause I’m impatient! I had totally negative tests days 6,7,8,9 and on 10DPO there was the faintest ever line which you had to squint and hold to the light to see, Lola! And today 11DPO it’s still very faint Although in theory you’d think more hcg should equal darker lines, that’s not what they’re designed for. But i noticed that Flo set my ovulation to dec 30, but i had the usual symptoms on the 2nd of january. I took a digital this morning at 10dpo and it came out negative. Flo for Partners Pregnancy test calculator. Bad sign? Anxious about chemical pregnancy I was pretty sure of when I ovulated (from urine strips) but I got moved back a week at my 12 week scan. I have missed a period but the pregnancy test result was negative? (one of those fancy digital 99% accurate ones) Periods don't just stop if I have run out of eggs do they? I am 38 and driving myself mad with this. This morning i thought, well, why not, and tested with a digital clear blue and it came up pregnant 1-2 weeks. Had BFN yesterday so 10/11 dpo anyone else gone on to have a BFP? I have a 28-29 day cycle, tested wi Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Mumsnet Logo. Periods have always been irregular so no idea when I'm due. My cycle is a bit irregular so not exactly sure when af is due but definitely in the next day or two. It could be lots of other things though so approach my idea with caution please - I know how disappointing ttc can be. You need to wait really until at least 12dpo preferably 14 if you can or if af is late for accurate results. Today I've had very light, brown not enough to fill a sanitary towel bleeding. Negative test. i dtd the day before and on my peak ovulations. Had BFN yesterday so 10/11 dpo anyone else gone on to have a BFP? I have a 28-29 day cycle, tested wi Most popular Matching glasses for kids and parents New Boots’ new Parent and Child Event is here Protect your child's skin all day and night with Aveeno £10 off the leg oil that will banish scaly shins New Monsoon pieces Mumsnetters are lusting after New Period pants for teens our users swear by New: Nuna x Liberty Fantasy Land range Hi my cycles are around 30days and I got a faint positive and clear blue BFP 12 dpo. Join Mumsnet Log In Aw I hope you’re okay. Has anyone else had a point blank negative pregnancy test at 11dpo using first response early detection tests and gone on to get positives? I'm loosi I took my early detection test 12 days post ovulation in November and it was negative. I also did a clear blue digital which said “not pregnant” but I opened it up and saw two faint lines in the areas where the test would come up. I used ovulation tests to judge when my ovulation was. On a positive test it produces a thin coloured line and a negative evap produces a colourless I waited until the day AF was due so 14 dpo and I am so glad I did. I absolutely hate this bit. Extreme exhaustion in the first week past ovulation and going to bed at 9pm. Third, same. But ive done Boots early test this morning 16 dpo and it’s so faint I’m worried. Stark Hello ladies AF is due today but there's no sign. What symptoms might I experience at ErickBroch · 22/10/2020 12:13 But with 2 negative tests it sounds incredibly incredibly unlikely. I made an appointment with the doctor (and cancelled it when AF arrived)- much better to set your mind at rest either way I think. I had a feeling something was happening so at around 8pm that evening I just couldn't wait! I took a clear blue test and after minutes it came up positive! I was so shocked. Admittedly it was the afternoon and my period wasn’t due for another three days. However I’m still 12 DPO with a stark white BFN. Learn more about what to expect at 12 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. But still no period. hCG is also responsible for some of the early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, sore breasts, and fatigue. To comment on this thread you need to create a Why did I get a negative test result? You can get a negative result on your pregnancy test for two reasons: You are not pregnant or you are pregnant, but you tested too early for the pregnancy test you used to pick up the hCG ‘pregnancy’ hormone in your body. I got a negative on 17 DPO and a positive on 19 DOP. . kawl · Today 15:58. But yes I am also worried about testing and seeing a BFN. Another BFN. I just poas and got bfn at cd26 ucl 27/32 average cd29. I tested 10dpo and negative, due Friday! Try remain positive I've had a pos at 11 and 12 dpo so still not out till af arrives x. Just pray this is my I never tested earlier than when Af was due because I didn't want to get my hopes up or to get disappointed to see a negative and knowing I used a test. good luck xx. You're only out if AF shows up :) test again in a few days, your chances of a positive result rocket after 13 days if you are pregnant x Yeah I’d get a FRER and wait till tomorrow morning - just if you’re 10dpo then it’ll prob need morning! I think I’m gonna wait until Thursday and do a FRER if I can. Just looking to see if there's anyone else almost at the end (or beginning) with me! This our 10th Usually you test positive by 8-14 DPO. We did an IUI so I am sure of dates but I’m wondering what are the chances of this actually being possible so late in the game? Anyone ever been in the same position? Has anyone had a BFN 10 DPO (AF due on 5 days) and then had a BFP later on? Been having mild cramps from 5/6 DPO until now and I normally only get cramping the day before and day AF is due! Took a test (too impatient) and got a BFN. I mean; if you dtd 48 hours after ovulation, would that then still count as 1-2 dpo? Meaning that if you got a bfp, it could still be ie 6dpo? Thank you so much and also wishing everyone the best BFP 12 dpo 319 replies 1992EM @1992EM I had ordered a bulk pack of opk's and hcg tests in December after my mmc to check when pg tests went negative and start ttc again. Currently 13dpo. 1. If you leave a test standing for a few hours after use it can dry out — the urine on it evaporates, and a 10dpo is still very early! I'm on 13dpo and have the faintest of faint lines on a FRER test but not counting it until I'm sure. 1- to grow and mature a follicle (2 max, any more and they cancel), 2- to stop you releasing the egg before it reaches the desired size and 3- the trigger. I can't be that hopeful though because I know it will be negative again in a few days because AF will arrive!!!:( so disheartening, I was My 10 and 11 dpo so-pale-I-might-be-imaging-it line is now 10 months. I'm 21 DPO. I hope it happens Did test today with FMU and still negative, my last cycle was 26 days but last 2 before were 27 days so not sure when AF is going to come (hopefully not for a few months!) My cramps started 2 weeks ago and been almost every day since. I took a cheap test about an hour ago, so not first urine of the day etc but figured that doesn’t matter on day 28. At 9dpo I took a test which was negative, At 10dpo I took a test which looked positive, pink and definitely there, but ever since has been negative. I really wouldn't get your hopes up that it means anything, its unlikely that an ov test would pick up HCG if a FRER isn't picking it up, but you said you weren't using FMU so maybe try another test in a few days if AF doesn't show. ** It is the first time ever I've gotten consistent growth on a pregnancy test, following 4 miscarriages with 1 chemical in a row last year. What are th Days 12-14 past ovulation (12-14 DPO) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is the hormone that pregnancy tests use to detect pregnancy. Just with my other pregnancies i tested early and it showed up pretty quickly. Help Center. Kellyaust, I know I'm silly for not going sooner really. Am on baby aspirin and Progesterone. Tested this morning with Easy and Home and FRER and BFN. However I really don’t trust it, it’s hard to make out if there is any colour to it and I’ve never used cheap internet tests before so I’m so sure it is an evaporation line. Quote Basically as the title said, just wondered if anyone had had a negative test at 10dpo but the went on to get a positive a few days later? OP posts: See next See all Quote im trying for my second child. I'm on my 8dpo, the last 2 days I've had backache, nausea, occasionally pulling in low stomach and quite sensitive breasts/nipples. It's a weird situation hoping for a negative test so you can start to try again. But 12 dpo my period didn’t arrive so I did Boots early test which had a faint positive line. im absolutely gutted, was 100% convinced I was going to get a bfp but nope! It just breaks your spirits little by little ️ ️ I have no willpower but don’t get positives until the day of missed period ie dpo 14/15. I'm so confused - I thought frer was supposed to be the best. 0 replies. I have irregular periods and am due on Saturday. Had creamy mucus around 3 dpo, then since then I’ve had very mild pinching which has now localised to ri BFP 12 dpo 319 replies 1992EM @1992EM I had ordered a bulk pack of opk's and hcg tests in December after my mmc to check when pg tests went negative and start ttc again. I would say I'm spotting and it isn't a period. If you’ve been pregnant more than once, was it the same day each time? What DPO did you test positive? 12 replies Yellofello · 21/01/2024 11:51 Wondering what DPO you tested positive. Once implanted, your body releases the HCG hormone and after 2 days, early detection tests will give you a faint positive. You could have a slow build up of HCG which is the thing to hope for - as the reason I stopped testing was realising that if you have implantation on 11/12 DPO the odds of early miscarriage or chemical is 82%. Join Mumsnet Log In Active Watching Add post Hi so I’m currently 12 dpo I took a frer test this morning after having cramps all morning/night, it's possible to test negative at 12dpo but end up with a BFP a little later. The packaging on the test said it could detect pregnancy 4 days before AF due. TTC #2 at the moment, DC1 took a year so already feeling overwhelmed at the thought of this one taking a long time. Af due on Wednesday and I'm like clockwork so will see what happens then and try hot to test in between. I've stopped testing past 12 DPO to be honest unless AF is late (not that it's ever been!). But has anyone had a negative test at day 28 and still been pregnant? My cycles vary between 26-28 days. I am going to test again in 3 days but even waiting that long seems impossible Hi - kind of new to this even tho its my second time TTC. Your body begins producing hCG at the moment of implantation, but it takes 2-3 days for the hormone to build up to a certain detectable level. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) Thank you for the replies. Pregnancy tests work by picking up (detecting) a hormone known as hCG In your case, if you're around 12-13 days past ovulation (DPO) or 3 weeks post last menstrual period (LMP), and you've had several positive urine tests, including one on the morning of the negative blood test, it's possible that the blood test was taken too early to detect a rising level of beta HCG. However, once you’re a few weeks along, there could be the hook effect - your beta hCG gets too high for the test and it comes out negative. Quote To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks- baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. We bd before ovulation and during I’m 30 trying to Hi, This is the first time Iv ever posted on here so I’m sorry if Iv posted incorrectly, i so badly need some advice and really hope someone can help, I’m driving myself totally insane and can’t stop crying, I’m currently 8dpt (in my 2ww) I stupidly caved and decided to take a pregnancy test on day 5 which was negative, I tested again on About 7dpo I started to get really tired and dizzy. I am 12 DPO and usually have 30-33 day cycles (have mild PCOS). completelybaffled I am 2 days late and have had a negative on a cheap test. But you could get a positive of a faint one if you're sure of when So if anyone has ever gotten a negative test at 12dpo or further along and went on to get a positive. NicholaK · 29/07/2011 10dpo is still very early! I'm on 13dpo and have the faintest of faint lines on a FRER test but not counting it until I'm sure. BBT and cervix where they should be and had a few symptoms that I'm pregnant (cramps, headache, heightened sense of smell) although have been doing my best not to spot and dwell on them. IUI - 12 DPO and going insane! 3 replies Hbhopeful I took a First Response Test this morning which was negative. Tests have certain sensitivity levels. It's very clear. The same thing happened to me last week- I was a week late (and I'm usually very regular), but kept getting negative tests. This time I tested a bit early (11/12 dpo?), total blank white test, then had no symptoms so didn't test until I was already a few days late! Well I'm 12 DPO this morning, no signs of AF who is due to arrive in 4 days. All I can suggest is to sit tight and test again in a couple of days. Also h Hi ladies, So I'm 12dpo and been experiencing dull back ache for 2 days and hip ache too, I've done a cheap test yesterday and got a very faint line, so did a FRER today which is stark white period is due in 4 days. 13DPO I got a negative test, day before period was due. I had really light positives from when my period was due which got a bit darker and a 1-2 week digital but then stopped as I was getting paranoid This month I had intermittent cramping at 4/5 dpo, weird dreams, 7/8 dpo dry mouth when asleep and during the day. Did everything right, ovulation test right dtd right around ovulation before and after. So it can work, but obviously use a pregnancy test to confirm. The only thing we did differently this month was use pre seed. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. We've been trying for 4 months. OP posts: See next See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report I had negative tests (spent a fortune from impatience) and then got my period weeks late. Although the Flo App is telling me that my period may be late by 2 days because I ovulated late. Getting pregnant. but anyway I have got a line. Completely white 😢 I really felt like I was pregnant this month. I am never late. First response are the most sensitive tests on the market and they advertise 6 days before your expected period which is 8 DPO based on a normal 28 day cycle but usually the earliest is is 9DPO - step away from the tests for 2 days Stronger positive first response rapid response 10 dpo morning. Did a test today and it came back negative!:( honestly so gutted. Really confused and not sure what to think. Has anyone been sure of ovulation dates and had negatives up until 11 DPO then followed by a faint positive 12 DPO? On my previous pregnancy I had BPF at 9 DPO. I did another pregnancy test this morning and the line is not as faint anymore. Until af comes there’s no way to be sure a negative is a true negative if you see what I mean? I'm a poas addict too not sure of my dpo but it felt like My DH thinks I'm a crazy woman and now ovia has decided to say that most hpt won't show results until at least 12 days after I’m in the same sitch! I’m 16dpo, had some spotting for 24 hours a few days ago and some cramp but no AF!! Negative test this morning For this latest pregnancy I did a test on CD28 and it was negative - but I decided to relax as I felt pregnant. With previous 2 pg tested +ve a couple of days before af due, Anyone have any positive stories about testing early with a bfn and then getting a +ve later, or testing +ve early with 1 pg and getting the following one late??? I waited until the day AF was due so 14 dpo and I am so glad I did. DPO 1 - 3 zero symptoms. I didn’t test positive on a regular test until about 4 days after the first day of missed period. Feel so sad now and angry for not waiting. It’s a binary result - positive or negative. 10dpo is early- my test at 5dp5dt (IVF and similar to 10dpo) was super super faint on a frer!! And I’m now 10+5 🤞🏼 so keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you! Most popular Matching glasses for kids and parents New Boots’ new Parent and Child Event is here Protect your child's skin all day and night with Aveeno £10 off the leg oil that will banish scaly shins New It’s still so early to test 9 DPO! I’d wait a few more days and keep testing it AF doesn’t arrive. i just hate waiting 😅 Going to try tracking BBT next cycle if this ones yet another unsuccessful month ! X Thank Peony654 This is the first test I have done this cycle, im normally terrible from 9 dpo testing everyday. You are absolutely testing too early!!! Implantation usually happens by 9 days post ovulation. I’ll Google the hook effect. I should of started my period yesterday. I've had a negative easy@home test this morning and I'm 9 DPO (I have a very short LP). Nothing. The picture is added below. With my previous pregnancies I've always got positives early - but that's with FRER - I've been trying a different Amazon test which says it is 6 days early on the advert but on the booklet inside the test it says from the day of your missed period. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Second I didn't test until the day my period was due because of previous experience. A little update. We did an IUI so I am sure of dates but I’m wondering what are the chances of this actually being possible so late in the game? Anyone ever been in the same position? 7 dpo- on & off back cramps again. I’m trying not to lose hope as I had spotted on 7dpo (possible implantation bleeding) and had this flutter im trying for my second child. First things first - I used an OPK and tracked fertile mucus and I am 99% sure I ovulated on day 14 (I have a pretty regular cycle, 28 or 29 days) so the DPO days are calculated from there. Hi ladies! Hope I can join! Im 14 dpo today and took a I’m going to test again in the morning, but I’ve heard of loads of people having negatives at 10/11 dpo and going on to get BFPs at 12/13/14 and even later so we’re not out! Good luck 🤞🏼 Quote I had b'd on 2,3,7,8,9,10,12,14,15,16 of Jan. Tested again today at 12 dpo and it didn’t look any darker. I had positive tests until at least a weeks after the miscarriage. Had all the symptoms 2 days late for af. Pregnancy due date calculator. I have done the hormonal blood tests which confirm ovulation. 15 DPO is a significant milestone if you’re trying to get pregnant. I never tested earlier than when Af was due because I didn't want to get my hopes up or to get disappointed to see a negative and knowing I used a test. Used the last of them yesterday and any I order online wouldn't arrive until next week, and I don't want to encourage myself to obsess any more than I already have I did a pregnancy test with a small amount of wee and came with a clear positive. I did a pregnancy test today using a cheapy test and to my surprise it’s come back positive!! your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters Share Positive test at 10 dpo 0 replies gingerninja85 · 08/08/2022 14:50 I did a pregnancy test today using a Had BFN’s all the way till 13dpo earlier this months Had a glass of wine on 12 DPO after 4th neg test as I was so sure I was out- oops! Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 Yep I was negative 11 dpo. I know it's hard but try not to get too upset of this cycle doesn't work out - our bodies are very clever at working these things out :) Did everything right, ovulation test right dtd right around ovulation before and after. Wondering what DPO you tested positive. I thought i'd reply to this post, I'm not sure if this will help but I am approximately 12 or 13, or maybe 14 dpo today. I went home and did a different test, different brand, totally negative, my friend said it's because my urine was so diluted from the day. The digital test is just a supermarket home brand test. Hi all, As title says, my period is 4 days late and I'm still getting negative tests. Countdown to pregnancy site says 47% bfp by 9dpo and 66% by 10dpo. Fourth I tested positive at 5dpo but that was a chemical. And then a few hours later I did it again when i was bursting to go and it came back negative with a larger amount of wee. Wondering if anyone has had the same and then got a BFP? X I caved in and done a test at 9DPO and i think i got a faint positive but now at 10DPO its negative? Ive had a couple of chemicals recently and wondered is this the same happening again or? Normally ive stayed pregnant till 5 weeks then began bleeding when ive had the chemicals so thought maybe this was too quick to be a chemical and maybe I don't want to get you excited but I had a false positive and then tested positive a week later with ds (now 6). I've had no pains or cramping. hCG calculator. My husband and I are TTC our first baby. Didn’t test again until 15 dpo faint positive: there’s a reason they say wait until period is due!! Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing I'm on either 11 or 12 dpo, due on in 4 days. We have had two previous miscarriages (one MMC and one spontaneous) and fall pregnant quickly, somehow! AF should be on the way in the next 2-3 days and I am not going to test until Saturday when I would have expected her. This month I had intermittent cramping at 4/5 dpo, weird dreams, 7/8 dpo dry mouth when asleep and during the day. After that didn't turn into a real period, I Pregnancy Symptoms with a Negative Test 12 DPO September 13, 2023 | by emily-rose-smith I've been tracking my ovulation with Natural Cycles, and am slated I’m currently 12dpo, I tested today and it was negative. Good Luck. Tracking cycle. Today AF is due and I just feel miserable waiting for her to show up. Hi I know this is very old post but the exact same has happened to me , done a test and it looked negative put it in the bin , went back a few hours later and saw another line . Youre testing really really early so the slightest difference in hcg levels could make a difference between BFP or BFN. So by 9 DPO more than half of pregnant women still wouldn’t get a BFP. Butterfly2000 · 28/05/2023 12:55 @ovulationleavesmetired Sorry to jump on the post, would you be able to tell me which cream you used please Positive test at 10 dpo!! 0 replies CAGH03 · 27/08/2023 15:41 Just found out I'm pregnant, yesterday! Had 3 positive tests! Period isn't due for another 2 days! And I used normal pgt's instead of early detection. All 6 tests have been taken at different times in the day, one first thing in the morning. Next cycle (if this one is unlucky) I'll start to test for ovulation, so I wont wonder as much as its making me crazy🤣🤣 @Girlmamma some people get better / stronger positives in the afternoon than the morning! 😊 I definitely would test again. 8 dpo- on & off back cramps again. if you’re 15DPO and still testing negative and then test positive later like 16-17 DPO then you probably ovulated later than you thought. 9 dpo it was stronger and I got a faint positive on an hcg test. This website shows the probability of getting a BFP each day. Anyone else in same boat. IVF and FET @LW678 not necessarily, we just refer to colourless lines as evaps and dont really call the thin dried coloured lines anything but, an evap line is a phenomenon that occurs when urine dries on a hpt, it can happen on a positive or negative test. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our @lillybelle05 and @lucindaa how exciting that you are both nearing the end of your TWW, the longest two weeks ever !!@lucindaa like you said, these threads really help!! @salamamder91 I'm also trying to conceive following a miscarriage in January. Am I out this month?? I tested today and got bfn 🫠 my Flo app thinks I ovulated on Monday 7th August and Glow app says Wednesday 9th August?? Has any Hi, I had the exact same - tested negative at 9dpo and 10dpo then waited for my period, it was a day late so I tested again at 15dpo - faint line! Like you I was a bit worried at first but my lines have darkened a lot and I'm still pregnant at 23dpo now (5 weeks 2 days), getting very dark lines. Hi I am 11 dpo and in the same boat - i tested on 9 dpo and 10 dpo both were negative which left me really depressed so I managed not to test today! I am expecting AF on Thursday so will prob test again tomorrow. my hcg went from 13. I then took 3 standard pregnancy tests (12 dpo, 17 dpo and 18 dpo) all of which came back negative. Negative test and started bleeding today. I took a pregnancy test and it is negative. Hi everyone! Just some details to make it more clear! CD29 10dpo Cycle 8 TTC since March 2020 (a year) PCOS (next GP appointment for meds) Chemical Hi ladies, I tested today at 11dpo and got a negative, am I still in with a chance? I’m peeing lots, super tired and my temp is 37. Hi I'm new to mumsnet. I also thought testing early could mean 2 (or more) days of disappointment, getting the negative test (or tests if you test lots) plus when AF does arrive. Period calculator. Makes me think my hcg is already high. I labelled them and stuck them on a card, they got darker for about a week then stayed the same. It is possible to test negative at 11 DPO then get a BFP a few days later. Got my two peaks on 9th and 15th of Jan so I made the most of the high and peaks. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we Clearblue digital saying 1-2 at 16/17 dpo. I’ve been too scared to test since then as fear for a chemical pregnancy, so just waiting to see if my period comes. I'm so I don't know what I want to achieve with this post but I'm currently 13 dpo and still getting a negative on wondfo which I've heard are very sensitive. Wait until at least 10dpo and then take a All negative before that - I tested each day from 6DPO. @Girlmamma some people get better / stronger positives in the afternoon than the morning! 😊 I definitely would test again. I am 12 DPO today (tested positive yesterday!) - I just had really odd suspicion the couple of days leading up to then, like butterfly-like feeling that I was pregnant! Before then I came down with a really bad sinus cold/flu (not covid) last Thursday and am still suffering from that a bit as am really congested (but I heard that congestion could Sorry all I’m so new to this as 1 real month trying. But didn't test this morning as i was so gutted last night to see yes another negative test 😩😩😩 I don't know wether to test tonight or wait a few more days. I assumed (as the app has) that ovulation was probably the next day (and in fact, I “felt” that ovulating feeling that evening). BFN at 10DPO, definitely BFN and not a very faint line or squinting. 10dpo is early- my test at 5dp5dt (IVF and similar to 10dpo) was super super faint on a frer!! And I’m now 10+5 🤞🏼 so keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you! I have been tracking ovulation using the digital ovulation sticks. I had a miscarriage in April. Positive 1-2 on clear blue digi 11 dpo morning. Should I be concerned? @Mannymoomin il do the other test that was from home bargains see what that one says and post it, but il also grab some FRER later today, I felt the typical ovulation pains etc and can’t imagine I ovulated any sooner than the positives as the pain was the same time, I had my period on the 8th and bled for 4 days so can’t be any sooner than Tested again at 11 and 12 dpo and lines got a bit darker but still not super dark (picture is from 10 to 12 dpo). This is what pregnancy tests are looking for in your urine, though according to Healthline it can take around 7-12 days after implantation for there to be enough hCG for pregnancy tests to pick up. Product. I'm 10dpo today and got a bfn on FRER this morning. I've not started yet but I've had my session with the nurse to show me the needles and drugs! There are 3 different drugs. A negative test at 12 days past ovulation (DPO) doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. Hi girlies, just wondered if I could get opinions on these tests. has anyone got a negative at 12dpo to go onto have a Suspected implantation bleed 11dpo but bfn 12 dpo 7 replies mrspeanutbutter (11dpo) so tested Monday (12dpo) and got a bfn. All this past few days my frers were negative. Still no period. There is always LH in your system so there is always some sort of line. With my first baby, I got a really strong test line 16 DPO (didn't test before then). The test line isn't as dark as the control line but you don't need to squint to see it. I am 18 DPO (according to my period tracking app). With ovulation, the dpo does that count provided you dtd on ovulation day. I took a pregnancy test on Sunday negative, Tuesday two very faint positives and yesterday negative. Positive then negative digital test 3 replies trying58 · 12/08/2024 21:04 Hi all, I am currently 6 days off of my period but 2 weeks or so off of my FW (irregular periods). Calculators. I remember with dd i was at least 4 days before af when i got my bfp so i am feeling pretty much out. I am now 12dpo and negative on clear Am I out this month?? I tested today and got bfn 🫠 my Flo app thinks I ovulated on Monday 7th August and Glow app says Wednesday 9th August?? Has any All this past few days my frers were negative. One app said AF is due today, and another tomorrow so will see if she arrives but I hope not! I'm due on Monday/Tuesday. Mainly my smaller boob out of the two lol. @LW678 not necessarily, we just refer to colourless lines as evaps and dont really call the thin dried coloured lines anything but, an evap line is a phenomenon that occurs when urine dries on a hpt, it can happen on a positive or negative test. Join in I’ve had a few evaps on one step in the past but also bfps that started off looking like yours so it’s difficult to say. I’m having terrible cramps today, so I think AF is actually on the way and i'm out this month for sure. Extremely tired !!!!! Forcing myself to even make food. Dtd 31/8 and 1/9. I took a test yesterday morning but it was negative. Join It's now 23 DPO and AF hasn't turned up and I'm getting BFN. qyqts tzrck dvyp cgewj deymvv okqmbb pkgo pchls nblmk xkjilm